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Do you take commissions for battle animation sprite sheets?

It depends on my schedule but I generally try to make time if the commission isn't too complex. Send me an email, thanks

Where can I find your e-mail?

There's a form on my finalbossblues website. Thanks!

Thanks for understanding what you mean. but i still hope you can lump them up big enough to be able to sell it on steam i would love to get all the stuff from you on steam and i will try to trade you on itch if i can.


there are a lot of packages on itch that steam doesn't have, can you release it on steam? i am willing to buy anything on steam my problem is i dont have a visa card to trade on itch.

I don't control Steam I'm sorry, that is handled through a publisher.

The small packs like this one with no steam release can usually be obtained via Patreon though, if that works for you. thanks

these sprites can be used for any engine like unity


Hi, I bought your entire bundle on itch, and I absolutely love your work. 

I'm curious if it would be possible to commission faces for the beast tribe hero characters? 

And unrelated to this specific pack, do the characters on sheet 8 from the monsters expansion have sv battlers somewhere? The download on itch included battlers for sheet 7, but not 8. 

Thanks again for your awesome work! Glad to support you. 

they are not working in my game the main characters  are not selectable as only a small corner is selected and the rest look huge in game I am using them in rpg maker mv they are for rpg maker mv right

Try adding a "!" or "$" to the beginning of the filename to tell RPGMaker how to read the sheets correctly (I always forget which prefix does what, but one of them will signal that it's a single character sheet).


Hey, your sprites are amazing!

I'd really like to see in a future release some sv battlers for other kobolds, like the soldiers you have made in this package.  

If you 'll make someone of them, i'd be very happy because in my game are an important part of the story! :))

Can these sprites be used specifically for side-view side-scroller games of Pixel Game Maker MV game engine?

I would need at least one character with states/animations such as idle, walk, run (maybe), a few attack animations, damage (probably), jump, one animation that uses multiple kinds of weapons (not sure if truly needed but would be great).

And I would need a number of "regular" enemies' animations who can walk, be idle and can attack and a number of "boss" animations that should have more than the regular enemies.

do you have any centaur-like characters in your asset packs? the lead of my game is an insectoid man with a -taur build so i was curious if there was anything in this style i could purchase to edit him from

(1 edit)

Hi finalbossblues,

I Love your art! however I'm using a different type of character  (64x32 spirit using StellaCharacterGenerator) ,  and art style (FSM art style),  there for I want to ask (sorry for too many questions): 

1. Are this 'animation pack' and your other packs "animated-npc-sprites-pack"  and "side-view-animated" include the animation them-self  without the characters ( so i can just resize the animation and use it for my own characters)  or they only come with the characters using them already? if not here maybe on your patron?

2. Do you have any packs here or  for patrons with 4 direction animation frames for combat? 

3. I sew the option to submit requests as a patron , I always wanted yo become one but the art style i'm using are different (fsm), my question is: as a patron/ or if i pay you commission,  could you change  the pixel style of your exiting art (not asking to create new once)  to the one i use? of course i will send you a  picture/video with my art/characters style.

(I just feel i'm missing a big amount of amazing art and I wish could work with my project art style). 

Hello, is there any way to split the sprites to have separate sprites for head and body?

If you want to do that you would have to edit them manually. They weren't designed to work that way on their own. Thanks

Are there 4 directional attack animations? i see it has some attack animations and would love to use this tile set.

Just the side dirctions, designed for use in SNES-style turn-based RPG combat. Thanks!