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whats the best way to d.m u as i wanna send u the work i did on come characters i made to have ur clearance of if i can sell them or not?


From this page:

  • Can I sell a game that I make with these?
Yes! You are welcome to use these assets in any commercial project. As long as you aren't redistributing the sprites or assets, there are no restrictions on how you use them within your game. I hope that your project is successful!

Bought this and though it is a good tool, it's been disappointing to work with.  Import/Export of settings seems to do nothing.  Editing the settings file to add more color pallets doesn't do anything, and having to constantly re-select my folders after closing every time is a hassle.

And would love to have an export option for RPGM XP as the engine I'm using has that as it's character spacing (Intersect ORPG engine if curious).

Looking forward to updates as I love the sprites, but has been a chore working with thus far.

The generator was included as a bonus to support the assets. The original intent was for the images to be compiled in an art software or in your game engine, so the generator is pure upside. We might release an update for it in the future, so the feedback's welcome, I'll pass it on to the programmer. In the meantime, you're welcome to use a different generator, I've seen some people have made their own!

Thanks! :)

Alright, I understand. Bought it thinking the generator was a bigger part and not just a bonus afterthought.

Sprites are still great tho.

Any way to import/export saved settings yet by chance?

the import/export settings buttons in the generator are a little strange-- I've found that it works better to copy and paste the settings.json file directly, and that works just fine!

Before I ask my question, I just wanted to say first and foremost - your art is great, and I have (to my knowledge) already purchased all of the assets you've listed on Steam!

So my question pertains to just that; I've been thinking of purchasing the above pack on Steam and was wondering whether or not I'd also be entitled to any additional updates that get released here..?

Let me know as time allows. Thanks!


Thank you!

The Steam version is handled through the RPGMaker people as a publisher so I don't have any control over any updates there. So for things like fixes or changes, I can't say. But for future releases to expand on this set, they'll be released as expansion packs that should work fine whether you got it on here or on steam. I hope that answers your question. Thaks :)

Yes, that answers it! (In all honesty, I was more or less asking if I'd be able to get the potential updates/changes that were released here if I could provide proof of having purchased them via Steam, but I can also understand why you may not want to do that~

One more, if I may - do you have any intentions of releasing some of your other existing asset packs on Steam? I've had my eye on that 'NPC Animations' pack for a while, but never saw it over there.

I try to keep the majority of my RPG Maker-related purchases there, so I figured I'd ask. On that note, I'll most likely be purchasing Time Elements on Steam regardless of your answer to the above... xD


Some of my releases aren't available on steam if they're also available as Patron rewards. This is because I can't access steam keys to give patrons access to them, and can connect to Patron accounts. Thanks :)

I see. No worries! I'll likely be subscribing to your Patreon in the near-future, so it won't be an issue then.

Thanks again for your time.


...aaaand subscribed. Seems as if I'll be busy downloading what's on offer, as well as digging into the archives.

Oh, and also looking forward to whatever future creations you drum up! :)

(1 edit)

when is your next pack coming out will it be mobs (like orcs ect) because i got a few of your packs and i cant use the character packs i payed for with this so right now there only humans so can u let us know? also can people make stuff for this ? and sell it providing they are there own work? ect

There will be monsters in a future expansion pack, yes! First up will be some tile sets, and then more character pieces, including some potential for other races (elf ear heads, etc, and orcs are possible with a green skin tone).

As for your second question, if you want to create more character pieces that work in this style and sell them that's perfectly fine with me! As long as it's your own original work and not edits or re-working what I've made myself. Thanks!

(1 edit)

ah ok thanks any more animations being done too? 

(3 edits)

To be clear, having bought resources are we OK to use in it in our own project? Any commercial limitations? I have seen others use these resources for projects, but I love them and wish to continue using them in a modified form. I don't want others using in it in their commercial projects to be an issue for me. Thank you.

Yes that is fine! Once you buy them you're welcome to use them in your own projects without restrictions.

Would it be possible to possibly make this RPG Developer Bakin friendly? Like exporting the sheets in their style?

Maybe, I'm not familiar with that engine. But you're welcome to arrange the sheets to work with it!

heyoh! hoping to buy this soon! does this have or will it ever have a dodge roll or any sort of dodge animation?

There's no dodge roll, sorry. 

Hello! I'm testing the animations with the demo character, how do you recommend to do this? Like 0.1 second for each frame? Or do you sugest a custom value for each one like .1 .3 .1 or things like this? Also, the animation is a simple loop like 0 1 2 0 1 2?

(1 edit)

For the speed it's up to you to decide what looks good and what is best for your gameplay. I can't imagine what those different numbers look like in my head LOL sorry; I normally do it by frames and not by seconds.
As for the loops, some animations are designed to loop, some ping-pong, and some are meant as a single sequence. I believe that it's explained in the PDF Guide (if it's not, then I overlooked it and lmk so I can add it to an update!).


(1 edit)

is there gonna be more animations that are including in this like
push,pull,hit,hurt/injured,magic pose (e.g) like someone channelling magic for a lighting attack and sitting ect (its fine if there in addon pack) because this set is missing some things from your over sets? E.G its a bit odd to me unless there on the way and u haven't done them yet? oh and maybe 8 directional? and also one more question will this new add-ons u do down the line be compatible with the generator? thanks for all your hard work

There will be more expansions with new character pieces, yes! but I do not plan for more directions, the animations here are designed to be versatile for many uses like the ones you describe. thanks!

Can you make the window resizable? Or add a scroll function?


You're not the first person to mention this-- I'll pass it on to the programmer. Thanks!

What's the intended animation framerate for these? I imported them into aseprite with a default 100ms per frame, but it was way too fast. 200ms seems decent, but do you have an intended framerate?

Hi does this have farming animations like chopping down a tree, watering a can, using a hoe, etc?

Can I pay you for custom assets and bases /+ animations?

What weapons are included? I see swords and bows on the screenshots, but are there any others in with it? Sorry if this is answered somewhere already!

Sword, shield, spear, bow and pickaxe, with some color variations. Future expansions will bring new weapons!

am i allowed to recolour these if i pay for it?

Yes, of course.

This is awesome! The generator is very easy to use and the artwork looks amazing.

(1 edit)

When using these sprites in MZ, the characters are shifted an entire tile upwards from where they are supposed to be in-game.

EDIT: Nvm, I learned how to read and used the plugin you included, now they are fixed. Thank you.

Can I use these sprites in other game engines ? I do not use RPG maker. Is this stand alone or does it need RPG maker to run?

any engine is fine, these are not limited to RPG Maker. Thanks

Thank you very much for the answer, I still have one more question if you would please. I would like to know if I need Game maker or RPG maker to run this or can i just run this on windows standalone? 

As an asset file these are mostly PNGs so you don't NEED to run anything to use them, but for the included generator it works as a standalone exe file. Thanks :)

Thank you very much, I already own most of your assets and am a big fan of them. They are just perfect for classic Snes type games and nothing really comes close to the quality you have provided. Thanks and have a nice day. 

Is there any way with the generator to just export the walking animation for example rather than the entire character sheet, im using intersect engine and it needs a 4 frame animation ? not the entire sheet

Sounds like you'll need to manually crop the image to what you need. shouldn't be too difficult because the walking animations are grouped together so you can just cut that first part away from the sheet. The included guide explains in detail how the sheet is organized, so that will help.

I noticed that the arms keep appearing behind the head in the generator when the characters walk left or right when tehy should appear in front. Maybe you could fix that sometime?

This is only true for one animation and it's a known thing. It's a downside to the complexity of the animations. You can manually clean up the arms, or you can avoid using that specific animation. It's explained in the guide, thanks 

add the face side to the generator 

talk about a big hit!

Hi there, really love the asset, I've been making some prototypes with it and it looks really clean and really easy to use.

The one thing is that there is no running animation. I understand it's not always necessary, but still I was wondering: do you have plans to add more animations in the future? Am I missing something and it's possible to make a run animation with the current spritesheet?

Cheers, and thanks again for the asset

(1 edit)

I purchased this asset and was able to start it after installing the MVC-redistributable package, however the program itself does not work as the UI appears but no items are populated on any tab.

See below:

Additionally, manually selecting a folder using "Asset Folder" does not make it work either.

This is on Windows 10 Professional edition, however I did not restart after installing the MVC-redistributable package.  I will try that next.

You need to copy the files into the asset folders. Everything should be explained in the guide document.

Thanks :)

(2 edits)

thanks for this! I've moved on from RPG maker engine in favour of RPG developer bakin, and these are really nice to start with!

i read the description + skimmed thru the  pdf guide, so i understand there are many more parts in the making, but i still wanted to voice some suggestions as they would really help with my project!

I'd appreciate parts such as pirate hats (especially if theyre the fancy kind with the giant feather on them haha), a short hair ponytail (something like a 'manbun'), curly/shaggy hairstyles, a gun in the weapons tab, and more skin tones (even 'strange' ones like blue, green, etc!)

Thanks so much for this, i really appreciate it and am already getting so much value from it

Hello, I try to open the program but it opens halfway and not fully, the maximum resolution of my windows is 1360x768. no bar appears to download and see the rest of the options. Is there a way to add a slash to the side of the program ?

Boa tarde, gostaria de saber se o arrow1, bow1 e pickaxe1 aparecem? Ou e apenas bug?

Not a bug, they don't have frames for that particular animation so you just don't see the preview. You can see them on other animations.

The included guide explains it in more detail. Thanks.

Thank you! I've spent the last two days looking for something like this.

I've decided to move from RPG Maker to Godot because while RPG Maker is great for non-programmers, as a programmer I keep getting frustrated with things not working the way I want. Unfortunately that also means losing access to the sprite generator in RPG Maker, which sucks because I am very much not a graphics artist. So this is perfect.

Played around a bit with the generator and I'm very happy with the results. Will probably do some combination of "prerendering" some parts while dynamically inserting other parts in-game. So many possibilities!

Looking forward to future expansion packs with more parts, I will definitely buy them!

(1 edit) (+1)

Does the generator work on MacOS? For the life of me I cannot figure out how, but I must be missing something obvious. I didn't see anything in the readme or the guide about it at all. 

Edit: I've installed dotnet x64 and given adequate permissions to allow the command file to run. Still does not work.

I have the same problem


IDK, I don't have mac or have any experience with it. I'll pass this along to the programmer thanks

I was able to get the program to run on MacOS (I'm guessing Linux is just as easy). Steps:

xattr -rd Elements\ Character\ Generator.dll
xattr -rd runtimes/osx/native/libAvaloniaNative.dylib
xattr -rd runtimes/osx/native/libHarfBuzzSharp.dylib
xattr -rd runtimes/osx/native/libSkiaSharp.dylib

Then on a command line, you can do

dotnet "Elements Character Generator.dll"
(1 edit)

Congratulations for your Steam release! Are your other products - expansions going there too, especially the ones for this generator?

I'm sorry if the sentences are strange because I used translation software.

I bought this as a DLC for Steam's RPG Maker MZ. I am using a 15.6 inch PC (Windows 11).
This generator does not allow scrolling, so the bottom screen of the generator is not visible. Could you make it possible to use the generator on a PC with a small screen? Thank you.

Will you be running sales at christmas? *wink *wink

(1 edit)

yes :(), but not for this set because it's new. just for all of my other stuff. this set will be included in sales after the new year tho

(1 edit)

Hi Jason,

When you say "re-color the Time Fantasy tilesets to have a greater range of colors", could you explain how to do that? Is there an algorithm/filter we can use? I'm really clueless.


Here's a very quick way do to it (in Photoshop), that should make old TF stuff generally match the newer deeper colors: first, you'd replace all of the "blacks" with actual black. Then increase the contrast (slider to 44), and then after that, the levels (first number to 12). I hope that makes sense-- I might write something more detailed in the future, thanks!

Was just wondering before I purchase this, did you make write something more about how to recolor the time fantasy stuff to match this character generator? 

Yes, I made a quick little tutorial on recolor Time Fantasy stuff to match the updated colors of Elements. It's on my patreon page but the post should be open to public to view.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you please also create a exporter for exporting every single animation separate? I use Smile Game Builder and RPG Developer Bakin. They need for every animation a single sheet where the character animation frame is from left to right. Thank you.


I'll have to run it by the programmer, thanks for the suggestion!
In the meantime, it might be possible to create some sort of script or  photoshop action or something like that to reformat the sheets, since they're in a consistent format.


sometimes i cant see the whole window, is it possible to scroll down to see more of the preview of the character sheet in the menu?

I cant see the whole sprite sheet window

Is it possible to implement scrolling for the Character Sheet Preview? Or have modified proportions/dimensions for different sizes of characters aside from 1104x192 scale/dimensions? I was planning on increasing the size of the sprites...but the UI is locked to 1104x192 window (found at the bottom)...

Are casting animations included? (for buff, spells, etc)

There's a "hands up" pose that could potentially be used for channeling or casting a spell. The idea was to have some versatility to the poses, so hopefully that works for you!


Awesome work man!
if you could only add support for BAKIN format in your generator that would be so awesome. alot of ppl are looking for resources for their games especially for 2D to get that "octopath look". If you ever consider it I'll leave a link to their assets info for 2D. assets info 2D


Are there parts for elves-dwarves?

This looks incredibly amazing! I was just wondering, can these character be used in the new rpg developper BAKIN engine? as well as sideview battlers?

That's fine. I don't know the format that Bakin uses, but you are welcome to use them in any engine. Thanks :)

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